Teamcal wurde unter der Version 2 der GNU GPL Lizenz (inkl. einigen Anmerkungen) veröffentlicht. Den genauen Lizenztext finden Sie unter eine inoffizielle Deutsche Übersetzung gibt es unter
Die TeamCal spezifischen Ergänzungen zur Lizenz, finden Sie im Teamcal Verzeichnis im Ordner „Doc“ und hier zum nachlesen.
============================================================================== TEAMCAL LICENSE ============================================================================== TeamCal is free software licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). You can find the GPL license conditions in 'gpl.txt'. Even though (and especially because of) an author of free software is not payed for his work I consider it as important to reference to the original author's work appropriately. It is not only a matter of good manners, decency and code of honor. Therefore, in addition to the GPL license you agree to the following conditions if you decide to use or modify or distribute TeamCal: (1) You may NOT alter or disable comments, references, statements and displays of the: - Application information (name, version) (exception see (2)) - Author's information (name, URL, e-mail) - Author's Copyright - "Powered by" information (must always be displayed on each page) (2) You may alter '' to your liking, e.g. use your own image and/or subtitle. If you develop identifyable sections of code that are not derived from the original Application and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in themselves, like an integration module for a CMS, you may identify your new sections by appropriate references to you as the modifying author. In such a case you may also alter the version number of the Application based on the original version number in order to reflect the independent additions to the Application (e.g. 2.2 => 2.2m). George Lewe ( ==============================================================================